Sab, Apr 20, 2024

Fabio Maria Guarino

Professor Fabio Maria Guarino 
Editor in Chief  
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Department of Biology - University of Naples Federico II

The Bullettin of Regional Natural History (BORNH) is from 2021 the new online only version of the Bollettino della Società dei Naturalisti in Napoli. This prestigious and historic journal was founded in 1891 and published scientific research in Natural Sciences, with a particular interest in local studies, and short reports on the most interesting emerging topics in the field. BORNH has collected the cultural legacy of its predecessor and expanded the original objectives of the journal to attract a wider audience of specialists in the various fields of Natural Sciences. BORNH gives particular emphasis to biodiversity studies, applied ecology and broad interdisciplinary research, from local to global contexts. About two years after the first issue of BORNH, we are entering a new phase of the life of the journal which will take into consideration the ever changing publishing landscape with the multidisciplinary view of natural sciences.

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